100 Queen Street
We were approached by The Macallan to create a unique and engaging interior design at their offices located at 100 Queen Street, Glasgow. The goal of the project was to create a visually stunning and immersive environment that captured the essence of The Macallan brand. Pim-Pam worked closely with the team to identify key spaces and align these to The Macallan’s core values, target audience, and overall vision for the space.

A key attribute of The Macallan’s brand is their packaging. There was a real opportunity to create something impactful using the structural pillars in the space. A similar shape to the outer packaging of their core range, we were able to create a striking visual using The Macallan Double Cask and The Macallan Sherry Oak packaging artwork.
A reflection of the brand and its global campaigns, we worked with the team to create spaces that celebrate their heritage and amplify The Macallan’s identity and mastery. Using a combination of campaign imagery, product photography, panoramic views of The Macallan Estate in Speyside in Speyside and iconography, we created a unique and impactful interior display.

From large-scale wall murals, prints, vinyls and more, we used a range of materials that could work in each area and maximise the effect of the designs within the space.
Throughout the project, Pim-Pam worked closely with The Macallan team to ensure that the final result met their expectations. The end result was a visually stunning and immersive environment that brought The Macallan brand to life in a way that truly resonated with their staff and visitors.

- Collaborators -
Paul Andrew Reich: